Admission 메인으로 이동 Admission About KBU Academics PROGRAM Admission On Campus Etc Online Application for Undergraduate Courses Admission Online Application for Korean Language Courses Online Application for Undergraduate Courses Online Application of Short Term Study Tour Programs Online Application for Undergraduate Courses KBU online application for Undergraduate Courses 접수기간 : 상시 폼항목 입력 필수입력표시는 필수입력항목입니다. Personal Information Name필수입력 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Family/Surname 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Gender Female Male Nationality 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Date of birth 달력 버튼 Visa status Yes, I'm in Korea now No, I'm not in Korea now Visa Type (If have Korean visa) No (I dont have any Korean visas) K-eta(B1) C3 D4 D2 F Series H Series Others Valid until 달력 버튼 Passport No. 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Address 우편번호 검색 E-mail @ 직접입력 Phone No. 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Please enter the entire number excluding the + Academic Background/Work Experience Highest degree earned Highschool college University A master's etc Graduation date 달력 버튼 The date you graduated the final school/Univ. Name of final School 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Major I have studied at final school /Univ. 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Occupation 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Workplace 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Experience of studying Korean I have TOPIK Level 6 I have TOPIK Level 5 I have TOPIK Level 4 I have TOPIK Level 3 I have certificate of completion of Korean language course (Advanced_level 5,6) I have certificate of completion of Korean language course (Intermediate_level 3,4) I have certificate of completion of Korean language course (Biginner _level 1,2) No Additional Information Major 필수입력 의료미용 (Medical Aesthetics) 의료복지 (Medical Welfare) 안전보건 (Safety and Health) 유아교육 (Early Childhood Education) 복지행정 (Welfare Administration) 서비스경영 (Service Management) 호텔관광 (Hotel & Tourism) 항공서비스 (Aviation Service) 소프트웨어융합 (Software Convergencr) 빅데이터 (Big Data) 친환경건축 (Eco Architecture) 드론건설환경 (Drone COnstruction Environment) 공간디자인 (Space Design) 시각디자인 (Visual Design) 영상미디어컨텐츠 (Media Contents Design) 실용음악 (Practical Music) 뷰티코스메틱 (Cosmetology) 약손피부미용 (Yakson Skincare) Application Semester and Year Mar 2025 Campus preference필수입력 Dormitory is not needed Triple shared room (180,000/month) Twin shared room (250,000/month) Acquaintance in Korea (Relationship) 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Acquaintance in Korea (Name) 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Acquaintance in Korea (Phone) 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Acquaintance in Korea (Occupation) 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Acquaintance in Korea (Workplace) 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Acquaintance in Korea (Address) 1자 ~ 200자 까지 입력 Kyungbok's information from Friends Website SNS Agency other Family and Educationcal Backgroungd Study Plan Kyungbok University Files Passport필수입력 확장자 파일 최대 5MByte까지 업로드 가능 Please upload your passport (MAX 5MB) Diploma필수입력 확장자 파일 최대 20MByte까지 업로드 가능 Diploma from your final school (Max : 20MB) Transcript필수입력 확장자 파일 최대 20MByte까지 업로드 가능 Please upload your transcript from your final school or high school (MAX 20MB) Bank statement 확장자 파일 최대 5MByte까지 업로드 가능 Please upload bankstatement worthof 20,000USD or equivalent(MAX:5MB) Korean proficiency proof 확장자 파일 최대 10MByte까지 업로드 가능 TOPIK certificates and the completion certificate of Korean language course Submit